Wise up with SCAM GRAM ! SCAM GRAM is Consumer Action’s new monthly email alerting you to the dirtiest players in the world of tech fraud, credit card scams, ID theft and general con-artistry. Don’t be fooled by liars, cheaters and deceivers—wise up with SCAM GRAM via Consumer Action News: Consumer Action News SCAM GRAM is Consumer Action's new monthly email alerting you to the dirtiest players in the world of tech fraud, credit card scams, ID theft and general con-artistry. Don't be fooled by liars, cheaters and deceivers-wise up with SCAM GRAM! Consumer Action: Mission Through multilingual financial education materials, community outreach, and issue-focused advocacy, Consumer Action empowers underrepresented consumers nationwide to assert their rights in the marketplace and financially prosper.
Consumer Federation of America (CFA): A Research, Advocacy, Education, and Services organization. CFA is a research organization, investigates consumer issues, behavior, and attitudes through surveys, focus groups, investigative reports, economic analysis, and policy analysis. The findings of such research are published in reports that assist consumer advocates and policymakers as well as individual consumers. They provide an important basis for the policy positions and work of the organization. Learn more: Overview about the Consumer Federation of America and its CONSUMER RESOURCES! SEARCH DOCUMENTS - Choose an Issue: Consumer Federation of America Thursday December 5 & Friday December 6, 2019 Embassy Suites DC Convention Center Hotel 900 10th Street NW, Washington, DC More Info sign up for updates Wednesday March 11 & Thursday March 12, 2020 Renaissance DC Downtown Hotel 999 9th Street NWWashington, DC More Info sign up for updates The Consumer Federat...